How To Help
Spread the word about CVMFs unique programs Offer to write a letter to the editor which explains CVMF programs If you have Board leadership experience for another non-profit, consider applying to join our Board. Immunize your unvaccinated animal at a CVMA sponsored Rabies clinic. Volunteer for a CTSART Regional Response Team. Offer to drive a needy person’s animal to a Big Fix clinic. Start a Facebook fundraiser on behalf of CVMF. Start a bottle drive on behalf of CVMF. Donate a vehicle on behalf of CVMF
Donate to CVMF in support of your profession, Volunteer for CVMF programmatic leadership, Ask your clients to donate, Place a collection box in your reception area (box provided by CVMF), Use CVMF sponsored condolence cards, Mention CVMF and distribute literature on CVMF in your school talks and other community activities.
Consider creating a CVMF support program within your organization, possibly tied to your delivery of goods or services to Connecticut veterinarians or Connecticut veterinary hospitals. In return you can expect public acknowledgement and recognition for your support of the one charitable organization that is run by, and supports the charitable priorities of, your customers – the members of Connecticut’s veterinary profession. Contact the CVMF president for further details: president@petsafetyct.org