Connecticut Veterinary Medical Foundation


Pet-EMS is a CVMF donor driven program which facilitates distribution of emergency animal care equipment, and corresponding training for safe use of that equipment to Connecticut fire departments. In recent years, the public has taken note of the efforts and desire of responding firefighters and other first responders to provide care for animal victims discovered during firefighting and other response activities. One of the more common situations are animals overcome by smoke, and as with human victims, administration of pure oxygen may be a lifesaver, until more definitive care may be provided.

Since oxygen masks suitable for people will generally be of little use for most animals, the Pet –EMS program will provide a set of animal appropriate oxygen masks, and the training to use them, to any fire department for which a donor is identified.

In order for animal appropriate equipment to be put into service in a fire department, departmental leadership must first agree to accept the donated equipment and express a willingness to place it on their fire apparatus (vehicles).

To make a targeted, fully tax deductible donation to CVMF on behalf of your fire department, either write to us to request we make contact with the Chief’s office in your department, or if you have a personal contact in your local Department, you may ask that person to reach out to us directly. Either way, once we have: 1. Written departmental approval (email is fine) and 2. Your donation we will purchase the oxygen mask kits, arrange to transfer them to the Department and setup a training session for their personnel.